Wednesday 9 April 2014


Kenny Chesney is one of my favorite country artists.  He sings a song titled “Don’t Blink” about the swift and sure passage of time, and the necessity of making the best use of the years you won’t even notice slipping through your fingers.  I quote a few phrases from the lyrics for his song, along with a link to it on YouTube.)

Kenny Chesney sang it…

"Don’t blink!" he sang,
his rich, nutty voice
reminding me
that time waits
for no one.

"Just like that",
I’m here,
an over-fifty,
what my mother
must have felt
watching me.

"You take a nap"
and no one’s left
to share the blues with.

"Your babies growing"
not going,
'cause they can't,
and you in two minds
about that.

"A hundred years"
is likely
no more than
a drop of water
in the ocean
of time.


Copyright 2014

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