Saturday 22 December 2012

Shame on you!

DISCLAIMER :  If you are a staunch supporter of the NRA, and believe Wayne LaPierre is right in his recent comments, please give this blog a pass.  You won't like what I have to say here!
As a teacher, I have never found myself agreeing with Michael Bloomberg on anything before, and this agreement today is not about education, about which he knows nothing.  It is about the NRA's response to the massacre of children and adults in Newtown, Connecticut two Fridays ago.  Mr. Bloomberg said their response is "a shameful evasion of the crisis".  And for once, he's absolutely right!  Whatever the CEO of the right-to-bear-arms organization says, he is dead wrong when he argues that "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

The only thing that will finally stop a bad guy from brandishing and using guns is the inability to obtain said guns to begin with.  But that little truth, which is not lost on the NRA, must be vigorously ignored and denied by them, because it affects the bottom line of their gun-lobbying friends, the gun manufacturers who stand to gain from the sale of such weapons.  The right to make money off the backs of victims such as the twenty-six people who died on December 14 must not be denied to these heartless, money-grubbing jerks who see financial opportunity in places the rest of us see only heartbreak and suffering.

Shame on you, Mr. LaPierre!  The grieving families in Newtown are not a political football.  They are not a financial opportunity.  They are wounded human beings who deserve much more than your cold, glib platitudes and heartless "solutions"!  They deserve a respect it is obvious you and those of your ilk cannot find it in your hearts to give to those who have suffered and still suffer to preserve your right to bear arms!


Shaynacwings said...

Bravo my friend. Exactly what I though when I saw him spouting his crap.


Teri said...

*hugs back* I've been AWOL because gremlins have attacked my Internet access. I'm on now only because they've taken a break or something...maybe they missed Christmas! Anyway, in case they come back before the technician arrives, let me wish you a blessed and happy New year, love!