Saturday, 21 January 2012

Moving Images Challenge #46


Droopy eyes watching the liquid slosh into the glass, following its progress to the lips of the man next to her, she puts her finger to her lips.

"Shhh!  Don't want them to hear us, do ya?"  Wild eyes look around vacantly; she gestures for him to pour her another as well. 

"Hi...hi...hit me!" she finally manages, though unable to hold the glass steady.

"You don't need any more, young lady!"

Her head came up, eyes suddenly sharp, focused...furious.

"Don't you dare tell me when I've had enough!  I'm grown.  I don't need a damned babysitter!  I need to"

Her voice trails off, her anger dissipating as quickly as it has stirred.  She grips her glass and drains it, looking comically into it as she holds it upside down, searching for the last drop of the elixir of forgetfulness.

"Lisa, let me take you home!"

She stares blankly at the one offering her a ride, and he seems to weave in and out of her line of vision.

"Home?  Where's home, huh?  I have no home!  I HAVE NO HOME!"

Her raised voice causes a few to turn their eyes in her direction, in time to see her collapse, like a wilted flower, over the counter. 

No one sees the tears that stream down her one but him.  He picks her up, raises a hand in farewell, and walks out with her draped across his arms.  She has never been drunk before, and he wants to pound something with rage that she should be so disconsolate as to try to drown her pain in a bottle.

Her pain...his pain.  His heart broke, again...


A J Young said...

I think reading this has made me drunk, glad someone stays sober...Then I thought wow how many places in the world that this same scenario was being played out.. it would be staggering. fun read Kae...tell me more about the moving image challenge if you don;t mind. ~AJ~

Kae B said...

It's a challenge run by my friend Rogsy, who posts moving images once a week to inspire us. We may write poetry or prose, and we may add music.

Here's the link for this week's challenge:

Luxy (Monica) said...

Such a sad an true experience for so many.....

Kae B said...

Yes, Luxy!

Roger That! said...

anyone and everyone is welcome to particpate too

Roger That! said...

another killer story! you nailed the emotion[s] excellently!

Kae B said...

And I've never been drunk! Thanks, Rogsy!

jen . said...

wow, it makes me want to know more about both of them, their relationship to one another, everything :)

desay unogratis said...

Would you like to clear this statement up a bit by describing it in more detail... Wolfie wants to know if the guy is bad or a gentleman?

Kae B said...

He's a gentleman, Wolfie!

fairchilde j said...


I feel lazy and wasteful having you on my friends lists but hardly ever coming to Multi and therefore missing how and what you write. That word that's more powerful than 'talented' is what you are. Intuitive and gifted are close to what I mean, but more than that even.

No hurry here, but what do you feel about this statement: 'The love of god is the song of the soul." Seems so straightforward/simple, but once I sat with it and thought on it it became a puzzle to me. One could say I'm complicating it but I don't think you'd say that. I think you'll see why it's mysterious. Naturally I feel it as universal more than subjective, but feeling won't turn into words for me on this. Guess it's apparent that I'm having trouble with words and expression.