Sunday 25 November 2012

Time to "festivize" my page!

I know...many of you are anti-Christmas, don't believe in any baby born over two thousand years ago to save Mankind from its sins, don't cotton to the commercializing of a supposed religious holiday, are disgusted by the abject capitalist greed of the whore-mongers (Good word, isn't it? *chuckles*) who would sell their souls and yours for a buck, hate that the downtrodden and despairing are forgotten at this time of year, abhor the terrible toll on human life, in the form of suicides and attempted suicides, as well as countless other crimes against humanity that seem to swell in number at this time of year! (Talk about a LONG sentence!)

Let me be among the first to say that I am all too sadly aware of every argument against Christmas that anyone can put forward.  Let me also say that I am deeply wounded by the tragedy that overtakes so many lives during this season of the year.  Nothing seems to work to ease the hurting and the sorrow that are highlighted most at this time of "peace on Earth, and goodwill to men".

But honestly, I don't give a rat's...farthing for what you believe, or what you think about Christmas, or about those of us, like me, who enjoy this time of the year.  And honestly, I'm not about to explain or excuse my enthusiasm for this season.  If you hate Christmas, tough ti...tomatoes!  Go suck an egg somewhere else!  This page is the spirit of Christmas!

For those of you who embrace the spirit of the season, who enjoy the idea that a time when men can live in peace, and entertain goodwill toward each other is possible, who live in the hope that THIS Christmas, maybe one less person will commit suicide in a fit of despair,  and maybe one more person will receive the gift of a place to call home, or someone to care for them, welcome to Christmas!  

For me, Christmas is more than a day.  It's more than a remembrance of a prophesied birth.  It's more than a celebration of the joy of giving from a heart of love.  For me, Christmas is music, it is laughter, it is joy, it is goodwill, it is is love.  Whether I receive a gift or not is not an issue with me.  I can buy the things I need, and even the things I don't need.  And I can give to those who have a need -- whether the gift of my smile, or of money to meet the most basic of their needs.  It is what I do during this season to make another person feel blessed to be here that counts.  

Which means, you realize, that Christmas is more than an December celebration with tinsel and colored lights and carols in the snow.  Christmas is coats in a snowy February, umbrellas in April, trips to the community pool with the kids in the heat of summer.  Christmas is a year-round celebration -- we just officialize it in December.'s to Christmas!  I'm going to change my background image now, and keep it that way till January 5th, 2013 -- the twelfth day of Christmas.  And to all you naysayers I say, "Bah!  Humbug to you, too!"


Cinabear Cinnamon said...

Happy to see your Christmas theme!! Good am :)

Teri said...

It's a pretty thing, Cinna! Very calming!

Shaynacwings said...

Love your theme babe and love your blog.

We call it "The silly season" here!

Thank you for the chuckle.

Teri said...

Yer welkum any time, sweet pea! *hugs*