Saturday 10 November 2012

...where no catchy title springs to mind...

As I start this blog, it's 5:26 a.m.  The house is quiet, all the lights are off, even Choochie, my cat, is asleep downstairs in her favorite dining room chair.  Once she knows I'm awake, she'll wander back upstairs to say good morning and mark me again for the day in all the places to which she thinks she has the right.  That usually means jumping onto me as I lie in bed, and making free with my body before settling down to snooze again -- this time, on me!

Why am I up so early on a Saturday morning, you ask?  I dunno...I needed a potty break, and tissue to blow my nose, but somehow, I don't think that explains why I haven't crawled back into bed.  So I've been reading the blogs of a stranger on another of the sites where I post, and commenting on them -- he's a finny guy.  But reading his blogs made me think about blogging, about being online, about discovering oneself in the life one leads on here.

I don't suppose anyone ever thought that opening up the Internet to the joys and pains of friend-making, i.e. social networking, would have meant opening up a whole other kind of psychological therapy.  You know, the kind where you lie on a couch and bare your soul, even if you think you're hiding things, to a stranger who charges you $200 an hour for the privilege.  Only here, the cost is not measured in dollars or pounds or yen. It's measured in hours and heartbeats....and sometimes in tears.

I've done some version of this blog on Multiply before, but it fascinates me to watch how every time a new person enters my circle, my vision of this social network is changed.  I keep having little epiphanies, not only about human beings in general, but about myself in particular.  It's like Carl Jung said (this is on some of my other pages elsewhere): "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed."

I have been transformed by my exchanges here, with you.  I would like to hope the same is true for you, but I'm old enough, and experienced enough in this cyber world to be very cynical about my hope actually being possible.  I can only know about me.  I can only transform myself.  The rest is out of my it should be.

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Good Afternoon. Gosh All I think about that early in the Morning is Coffee. Take care. I do hpe your day turned out well!

Shaynacwings said...

Good Sunday noon to you Angel. I slept in till 10am, still feel a happy tired and in my jammies. *giggle.* Got to go out a bit later to the garden center.
Ron has just arrived so back shortly.

Teri said...

@ Chuck: My day has turned out splendidly well, thank you! And as the boys -- my husband and sons -- are having a boys' night out to see "Skyfall", it is likely to be even better before it's over! :)

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Teri said...

@ Shayna: You're gonna have to tell me who Ron is... *winks*

Shaynacwings said...

Ron is the guy who built my original computer ages ago and we have always been friends since. Unfortunately he wants what I don't. He is way too negative and lacks ambition. Surprising for a Virgo. I am very angry with him right now. He has got my Windows XP Professional disk and won't give it back. He didn't bring it with him when he came earlier today. (I told him the local data had to be reinstalled too.) Needless to say my puter is still not working properly.
He is loaded and as mean as cat shit; please excuse the language.
He has offered to take me to Europe for a platonic holiday which I had turned down.
He acted like a real prick when he came today. GRRRRR!!!
He is too old for me my dear, although he is actually younger by about 10yrs, he is old!