Monday 16 July 2012

Monday Music Magic: "Unknown"

You know how some people believe in a before life? You know...that we were all here as something else before we came here as we are now?  As with the theory of evolution, which postulates some pretty incredible ideas about how human beings came to be -- think primordial slime -- and with the theology of creation, which postulates the existence and essential power of an extraordinary and supernatural being to create and maintain all life, including human life, there is no "knowing".  That feeling of déjà vu that some say is your "before this life" persona sending you messages, may be a psychic footprint brought to the fore of your consciousness, or it may be nothing at all.  No matter what the scientists tell you, and no matter what the pastors tell you, we can NEVER KNOW ANY of the things we accept as truth based on "facts" or faith. 

What's left is The Vast Unknown.  And we human beings do not like The Unknown, because at heart, we fear it.  The Unknown wrests power and control away from us, and gives it to other entities, or to chance. Neither sits well with us.  I think every act of violence and of hate stems from our basic fear of The Unknown. We try to control events and decide outcomes based on that fear of the Unknown.

But there's also a positive response to that fear.  It's love.  In the Bible, one Scripture says "Perfect love casteth out all fear", including the fear of The Unknown.  But loving another requires trust...belief that what lies in the heart of another will reach for and embrace what lies in our hearts.  And none of us knows for sure what lies in the hearts of others.  We seldom even know all that lies in our own hearts.

What do I know for sure?  I know that, as Bob Marley says in his song, "Everything's gonna be all right", because "there is nothing new under the sun", so every problem has a solution, and every cloud a silver lining. And I know that I mustn't let fear of The Unknown stop me from living as fully as I can, or loving as deeply as I should.


ninetynine reasons said...

Well said lady! You expressed my thoughts on the matter better than I could myself!

jilli ♥ said...

Spot on K. Awesome write!!..beautiful song, indeed...have a great day.

David P. said...

hey hey madame kae....

and woahyah, some philosophical waxing you indeed done did.... and i'm glad you wrote so i could read....

good/deep/true.... the known n' unknown of the universe.... n' of the me and the you....

and a fine selection....


David P. said...

annnnd, i was just at the woofer park with keerah..... this song started playing within...... connected to your song with linda n' aaron, yeah, mary chapin's friend, shawn... singing about not knowing... yet knowing...